Please contact me on:
Mobile: +44 7974 119754
Camelot – Your Friendliest B&B in Glastonbury with Spectacular Views of Glastonbury Tor
Camelot is a nurturing holistic retreat centre where you can relax and feel at home, loved and welcome. It is set in a peaceful location with stunning views of the tor and meadows yet within easy walking distance to all the diverse attractions Glastonbury has to offer.

Glastonbury Tor View from Camelot retreat
As it is your home during your stay you have full use of the house which consists of a wonderful Meditation Room full of crystals from around the world and a life-sized statue of Quan Yin, chinese goddess of mercy and compassion; a Television lounge with DVD player and a large library of spiritual DVDs and books for you to enjoy. A kitchen is also available at any time if you wish to prepare or cook other meals, which has been rated 5 (Top Marks!) for food hygiene rating by Food Standards Agency.
As we are a retreat guest house breakfast is buffet style, you serve yourself at a time that suits you. If you wish to cook eggs you may do so, and if there are favourite foods you enjoy they can be obtained with prior notice.
There is a beautiful garden with pond if you wish to relax and meditate with only the sound of birdsong, pure heaven, no traffic!
Camelot is vegetarian and non-smoking, also no alcohol to be consumed on the premises please.
The house itself is very special as it is built on ley lines and holds a very high frequency. People leave feeling and looking visibly different, and that their life has been enhanced and changed in an extremely spiritual way.
Valerye, the custodian of Camelot, works with very high energies including those of Babaji, the angels, ascended masters and egyptian energies. Her courses and individual sessions are life changing and you can read more by going to the relevant information.
All of the modalities listed below are shown as on Valery’s other website
Multi Dimensional Energy Clearing And Realignment
Karuna Reiki
Anubis Reiki
Usui And Tibetan Reiki
Destiny Readings
Angels and Ascended Masters
Valerye is also available to work via Skype.
Camelot is also very popular with groups who immediately feel that they have come home, to themselves, the land and Camelot which is depictive of the holy grail. See A Home Called Camelot
I Valerye look forward to welcoming you to Camelot, where you will meet lovely people from around the world. Click here to view the Bed and Breakfast Accommodation.
Please contact me on:
Mobile: +44 7974 119754