Be Inspired

The Kingdom of Heaven Lies Within

Spirit of all life hear my prayer
Let love and light fill the air
Permeating every atom and cell
Healing man and making well
All his sickness and disease
As I pray on bended knees
To that omnipresent power
That germinates to seed and flower
Opening fully to the light
The Power, the Majesty, the Might
Of innate divinity stored within
Stifled now by guilt and sin
Walls spring up to separate
Family members learn to hate
Forgetting they are the divine spark of creation
Thus allowing the nation to rise up against nation
How can we be separate
God could not leave us to this fate!
This ever-loving power and source
Follows its diurnal course
Allowing man to evolve
And the riddle of life to solve
The key is here, unlock the door
You don’t need to suffer anymore
Separation is a myth
Where you abide is in loves bliss
Part of that creative force
Alpha, Omega, God, and Source
Beyond the form, the secret lies
Man was never born and never dies
In earthly life, he plays a role
It makes no difference to his soul
He can be beggar, slave or king
It really doesn’t mean a thing
The costume one day falls away
He sees there is no night or day
No color, creed or race
Not even any time or space!
He sees the illusion of the dream
And all it takes is just a beam
Of light so bright from cosmic heart
That the veils, at last, are rent apart
Revealing all there is to know
God alone runs the show!
His the power, the might, the glory
That scripted all this wondrous story
The history of the earth and spheres
Was not mapped out in earthly years
But in the blinking of Gods eye
And we were left to wonder why
For that moment in eternity
From our home, we had to flee
Falling into the density of the earth
In physical bodies giving birth
Forgetting our innate divinity
That there was nothing to do but just to be
The perfection that we truly are
Part of God and not afar
He is here now in our heart
We have always been a part
Of that ever-loving force
That is our home and is our source
Here there is no thought of sin
For the kingdom of heaven lies within
The dream is over, the fight is won
Now, at last, I and the father are one!!!

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