Our Wonderful Glastonbury Stay and Treatments

Myself and my two friends Mharie and Sheena stayed with you in August and had your amazing Multidimensional Energy Clearing and Realignment treatments. I just wanted to drop you a line and say that we often talk about you and how wonderful our stay and treatment was, and think back with lots of fond thoughts of you.

We have all been doing amazing and I can safely say that your treatment and love has helped to change and enhance all our lives and propelled us even further along our spiritual and healing journeys.

As I say I just wanted to drop you a line to say hello and wishing you well, and that we are all looking forward to further downloads and hopefully to carry out more work with you in the future.

Love and Light

Testimonial by Tracy Hughes at Lotus Retreats

Back in September 2005 I received my Reiki Master practitioner’s attunement from Valerye however I did not really practice working with Reiki much until now some 8 years later. I felt at the time this was more for my own personal development as my Reiki Masters was a one to one with Valerye, the Masters, John the Baptist, Christ and many others.

The original weekend in 2005 at Valerye´s home was shared with 13 other people. First of all there was Magnified Healing on the Friday, followed by a channelled message from the Native American Indians talking about Mother Earth and how she has been hurt in man’s battle with ego! This indeed made everyone in the room cry, as the message came deep from their hearts to ours.

The rest of the weekend continued in unique style as we went to many sacred sites not far from Anglesey where Valerye lived at the time. My first deep connection was with Christ, and I found myself asking for mercy and forgiveness. This led me to search more deeply for God and that internal pull has never ceased, however please know it’s not been an easy Journey! On 1st Jan 2010 I received a message loud and clear from a voice saying these words “we have aligned your will with Gods will”. This voice was NOT in my head its was loud and clear like some-one standing next to me to make sure I received it LOUD AND CLEAR! By the way until that point I had never heard a voice like that before!

In July 2010 I met a very Holy Lady who really helped me understand so much more, by having the opportunity to walk with her every week for a year to temples in the UK and abroad receiving many personal and deep teachings. Then we were separated so I could go on my own journey………………

Now living in Spain I am working with Reiki again, and teaching Meditation to people and I was guided to get in touch with Valerye. To cut a long story short Valerye worked on me from a distance re-sending me the Reiki Master practitioner symbols which were very powerful. I am now feeling the energy in my heart and throat and internally within; I feel much is being worked on since the re-visit of the attunement.

As a Meditation Teacher, my joy is sharing with others, and my heart truly wishes to serve God, as my love for him is great, for those that struggle with that word then please understand it’s my deepest wish to serve humanity in loving service and from this aspect I would recommend Valerye to anyone.

However, for those who cannot get to Glastonbury or if you are like me and live abroad a distant healing or attunement from Valerye works. Guided by her deep connection to spirit and many Masters that work through her the distant attunement reached me immediately and was just as powerful as if she was sitting next to me. I now look forward to receiving the Mutidimensional energy clearing and realignment from Valerye as soon as I am able to set this up.

To conclude I would highly recommend Valerye for her work, integrity and being a beautiful vessel for spirit.

Testimonial written by Tracy Hughes from Lotus Retreats Murcia Spain August 2013